Lesson One

Welcome Year 12 Society & Culture 2016! Here you will find a variety of activities and resources that you will complete over the course of your Personal Interest Project unit. We have been discussing the PIP throughout our previous unit, and hopefully you have a bit of an idea of the direction that you would like your PIP to head in. If not, that’s okay! There are plenty of ways we can deal with that.

First of all, I would like you to all get into pairs and have an explore of the site. Take 10 minutes to have a look at the activities, resources and ideas that have been posted, and make a list of the ones that you found most interesting. Are there any that you wish to do straight away? Any that you think will be most helpful?

Once this is done, head over to our class Google Document and post your thoughts! We will discuss this once everyone is done.

Activity One: Building our class resource list

For the first activity, we will all be building a class resource list that we can refer back to through the term. This will be a list of any websites, journal articles or news items that we find interesting, and we can all use it as an evolving source of information. Head over to the activity page now.

Class Resource Page

As well as the resource page, we will be building a wiki page surrounding the debate topic that we will be doing as part of our concepts lessons next week. Head there now and familiarize yourself with the Wiki pages

Group wiki project – Sport in the Media



Here you will find all of the activities you will need to complete over the Personal Interest Project Unit. It includes activities about concepts, researching and evaluating information, research methods, writing skills and more!


  1. Newspaper Article Activity
  2. Concept map for PIP
  3. Flash cards and concept quiz
  4. Concepts Debate

Research Methods

  1. Comparison table of research methods
  2. Research design mistakes and how not to make them!
  3. Which research methods should I use for my PIP?
  4. Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodologies

Writing Skills

  1. How to start writing
  2. Scaffolding your PIP – Introduction
  3. Refining your topic and writing a research proposal
  4. Example PIPs and what to do with them!
  5. Editing your own work


  1. Facebook research and a question of ethics
  2. Class discussion: We are Becoming Enslaved by our Technology?
  3. Ethics diagram

Researching and Evaluating Information

  1. Where do I find information?
  2. Group resource page
  3. Assessing a source for usefulness
  4. Scaffold for annotated resource list
  5. Group wiki project – Sport in the Media